[AWS] Certification statistical anomalies
在 12/26 下午,我參加了 AWS Certified Developer - Associate exam
考完隔天收到一封 Email
Email 內容提到當次考試透過 Data Forensics 偵測到有異常情形,此次考試被判定為無效
並取消之後的線上考試資格 (只能去考試中心考) 直到 AWS 那邊另行通知
爬文了一下,發現國外蠻多人遇到 (也有人在考試中心考,也遇到這個狀況)
找到 AWS 的 Data Forensics 網頁,上面是說這個判斷是由 AI 偵測
Based on published industry research and testing by experts in the field, the odds that a valid exam result would meet the conditions for invalidation are 1 in 1,000,000 or less.
於是寫了 Email 進行上訴,最後上訴結果失敗了
得到一張重考的 Coupon 序號
AWS doesn’t divulge specific information about the analyses that we perform. However, we can share that we take a conservative approach when taking action based on data forensics. Exam results must meet multiple conditions before they’re invalidated or a certification is revoked.
上訴後還是不知道哪個部分違反了 Certification Program Agreement…